
The festival in pictures: photo exhibition


Ginny Koppenhol photography exhibition

For the last few years, photographer Ginny Koppenhol has done an amazing job of documenting the Lancaster Jazz Festival.

Capturing the moments of excitment and stillness, the people and the places, Ginny has become a key part of the festival and its legacy.

This year we’re delighted to host an exhibition of some of the iconic images Ginny has created over the last few years.

In Ginny’s own words:

“I started photographing the Lancaster Jazz Festival in 2022 and was a relative newbie to the genre. Within this exhibition I want to convey the emotion I witnessed and experienced. From being completely in awe of the moving and immersive nature of Un.Procedure’s performance on the opening night of the 2022 festival, to the joyous, playful moments within Marcus Joseph’s, the images aim to represent this range of feelings. I see the deeply personal meaning that jazz holds for the individual artists as they enter a flow state, but at the same time they’re listening to and holding space for their band mates. It’s a beautiful conversation of sorts. The jazz community is a very welcoming one too, full of thoroughly lovely people! I hope you enjoy these moments I’ve selected from the last two years.”

Come along and see some beautiful photographs of your Lancaster Jazz Festival favourites!

When: Friday 13 – Sunday 15 Sept, all day
Where: Gregson Bar
Free entry

Bands and artists featuring in the exhibition

  • Emma Johnson
  • Marcus Joseph
  • Romarna Campbell
  • Home/Lands
  • Lara Jones
  • Live Evil
  • Seth Bennett
  • Wingspread
  • Un.Procedure
  • Zyggurat


  • £45 for A4 framed images
  • £65 for A3
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