
Charlotte Keeffe: artist in residence


We’re delighted to welcome Charlotte Keeffe back to to the Lancaster Jazz Festival as this year’s artist in residence.

Charlotte will be headlining our Sunday programme with a very special show at Lancaster Library.

Charlotte will also be leading a workshop at the Gregson Centre as part of the Innovation Hub series – an amazing opportunity to play with most exciting improvisers in the UK and then perform as part of the Sunday show at the library – not to be missed!

We caught up with Charlotte ahead of her workshop and show…

Welcome back Charlotte! Any stand out memories from previous Lancaster Jazz festivals?

I was delighted (and very nervous) to play Lancaster Jazz Festival in 2019 with my RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW Quartet featuring Ashley John Long on double bass, Ben Handysides on drums and Moss Freed on guitar, it was only our 2nd gig altogether ~ what a special gig/highlight it was!

I felt really supported by the awesome Lancaster Jazz Festival organisers and volunteers throughout the exciting lead up to the Festival, and during it, (and ever since)!

Straight after we played, I was blown away by the powerful connection I felt between the listeners/audience and musicians! There was such an openness, warmth and wonder towards our Music-making from folks who had seen and heard us that afternoon ~ I had some really inspiring conversations about the Music we’d just played!

The whole Lancaster Jazz Festival experience had a BIG impact on me and ultimately gave me the confidence to really GO FOR IT with RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!

And HERE WE ARE today, thrilled to have played lots of more exciting gigs and festivals since our special 2nd gig as part of the mega Lancaster Jazz Festival, plus our 3rd album is in the wings!

Thank you SO much to everyone involved in making Lancaster Jazz Festival happen!

The powerful LOVE and support for the Music, musicians and listeners/audience at Lancaster Jazz Festival is what makes this precious gathering/Festival, an integral part of the U.K.‘s thriving Jazz (Music) scene! What an absolute JOY and incredible honour it is to be 2024‘s Lancaster Jazz Festival’s Artist In Residence! I can’t wait to see YOU there ~ please come and say hi, let’s have a play! Let’s do this!

You’re running a workshop in the Innovation Hub, what can people expect if they come along to that? And who should come along?

You are ALL welcome ~ I can’t wait to come altogether and freely make-music on Saturday 14th September at 3:30pm in the Innovation Hub in the Gregson Centre!

This will be a practical/playing gathering, exploring making-music freely altogether, accompanied with discussions sharing your thoughts, feelings and experiences about making-music in this way…

We will jump into playing and exploring ideas that may inspire you to nurture your own creative voices and desires!

I want us to get RIGHT into the MOMENT and therefore the MUSIC!

Everyone is welcome at all stages and levels, you don’t need to sing, play an instrument, or dance to attend, you could draw, paint or simply observe! Take this time for yourself, soak up the Festival ~ get out of your head and into your precious body!

I’m really looking forward to playing 3 of my invitation scores/pieces with you all too!

You’re also invited to play (these 3 pieces) from within the audience on Sunday 15th September at 4:30pm in Lancaster’s Library with my RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW Quartet featuring Ashley John Long on double bass, Ben Handysides on drums and Moss Freed on guitar ~ come and join us, we can’t wait to see and hear YOU there!

Creative Freedom For All!

The Future Is Now!

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