Date: 15.09.2024 12:30 pm

Innovation Hub: Sunday

The Gregson Centre Duration: Until 6pm

A space for exploration

The Innovation Hub will provide a space for explorations of music and ideas throughout the weekend hosting a mix of planned events and impromptu happenings.

There are slots available for artists to book to make something new – it could be with your band or other musicians from the festival or an open call to explore an idea.

Electronics vs Jazz

On Sunday we will be inviting musicians to push some boundaries and explore areas at the edges of jazz that could include electronics.

12.00-12.45 – Electronics vs Jazz: hosted session for jazz and electronic musicians to explore playing together.

LJF Micro-commissioned artists Lodder//Shooter will host this open session for musicians to turn up and play, exploring the possibilities of fusing live and electronic instruments in an improvisational landscape.
Bring your instrument and/or whatever you need to connect to the PA.

12.45-1.45: Open sessions available to book.

These slots available for artists to book to explore something. All that we ask is that it’s innovative and new – we are especially interested in sessions that explore the intersectionality of jazz and electronics.

2.00pm: The Hat Speaks Jam Session hosted by Jez Matthews

The names go in the hat and the hat choses the bands.

3.30-4.30 – Electronics vs Jazz: hosted session for jazz and electronic musicians to explore playing together.

LJF Micro-commissioned artists Lodder//Shooter will host this open session for musicians to turn up and play, exploring the possibilities of fusing live and electronic instruments in an improvisational landscape.

Bring your instrument and/or whatever you need to connect to the PA.

4.30-5.30: Open sessions available to book.

These slots available for artists to book to explore something. All that we ask is that its innovative and new – we are especially interested in sessions that explore the intersectionality of jazz and electronics.

Contact to book a slot or for more information.

You don’t have to use the full hour if you don’t need that much time.

  • Where: The Gregson Centre
  • Date: 15.09.2024
  • Doors time: 12:00pm
  • Gig time: 12:30 pm
  • Duration: Until 6pm
  • Price: Free
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