Date: 15.09.2024 4:15 pm


Kanteena Duration: 1 hour

Yoshizawa is an eerie jazz/prog band who create refreshing musical landscapes to connect and communicate with their audiences. They recently played an enormous show at the Royal Albert Hall in London backed by a full orchestra.

Through their playing they bring a new conversation to a wide range of music. Their performances deliver a whole truckload of energy, with driving drums and synth bass underpinning soaring flutes and guitars.

Bandleader Amelie Yoshizawa writes without words in order to express and create voices for the working class in art.

Amelie Yoshizawa – Drums
Ernie Moore – Flute
Henry skinner – Guitar
Tao Kano – Keyboards, bass synthesiser

  • Where: Kanteena
  • Date: 15.09.2024
  • Doors time: 12:00pm
  • Gig time: 4:15 pm
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Price: Free

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